Russell E. Koeller Family Farms

This was my Grandfather Edward Koeller in approximately 1920 with a wagon load of ear corn that he
and his brother Walter had shucked by hand and tossed into the wagon pulled by a team of horses.
This difficult work was the only way to harvest corn a hundred years ago!

Then, they had to scoop the corn from the wagon up and into the storage cribs above. The three cribs on the
left are constructed from logs from trees cut down from this same farm. They are notched at each end and stacked
like "lincoln logs" to build each crib. The two on the right are made from rolls of fencing which was very expensive.

I believe this photo is from 1923 and is from a threshing day on my Grandparent Russell Stolte's farm.

This is a very early pull type threshing unit...not sure of brand nor the make of the tractor pulling it.

Several generations of our family operated orchards. Our orchards grew many
varieties of apples, but also, peaches, pears, plums and grapes.
Most of the fruit was packed into barrels right in the orchard.

Much of the fruit was shipped south to St. Louis by truck or riverboat...also barrels of salted meat, sacks of
grain and shipments of firewood. I cannot tell what is being shipped on the barges attached to this riverboat as it
steams upstream past us...maybe rock...maybe cordwood.