Russell E. Koeller Family Farms

We built a new farm shop and machinery storage building just a few years back after the previous one collasped under a snow load!

The footings are already poured and now a concrete conveyor that can reach 105 feet is starting placing concrete for the walls.

The conveyor is controlled by the operator in the lower right with a unit that looks very much like a video game controller

Then gravel fill is needed to obtain proper grade beneath the floor.

6:15 AM on a hot August morning...a concrete pump is waiting on trucks! Can reach 125 feet!

I think we used 19 trucks that morning!

Three ways to get a smooth finish...hand troweling, walk-behind units and ride-ons.

Yea!!! Steel is going up!

We specified higher wind loads in the building and doors designs.

Now we are almost under cover.

Finally finished!