
Aidan, our grandson and a freshman at Iowa State, recorded most of these videos with his drone.

Aidan recorded the above video on December 8, 2020 showing anhydrous ammonia being applied to our field. This is our
primary source of nitrogen fertilizer for our corn. This is 82% nitrogen.
The precision steering of the GPS system is illustrated really well here. (with Sound)

We were using a disk-chisel plow for primary tillage last fall. This is a John Deere 9430 with a 19.5 feet wide implement.

This wide planter works really well in this field with mile long rows! One acre planted each minute!

This video contains video of multiple field operations. Kris is applying anhydrous ammonia and spraying herbicide.
Also, videos of planting corn, harvesting corn and fall tillage. (With Sound)

Dawson, a sophmore at John Wood, is disk-chiseling corn stubble on September 30, 2020. The tillage tool
is 22.5 feet wide and the tractor has 620 horsepower! Primary tillage is important to loosen the soil,
partially cover the old crop residue to help decomposition and partially prepare a seedbed for next year's crop of soybeans. (With Sound)

I was harvesting some high yielding soybeans four years ago...nice irrigated field with very few weeds!
This John Deere 9870 combine was harvesting 14 rows that are each 30 inches apart for a 35 feet wide swath. (With Sound)

Bryan was harvesting corn five years ago...irrigated field with large drowned out areas due to heavy rains during the growing season!
This John Deere 9870 combine was harvesting 12 rows that are each 30 inches apart for a 30 feet wide swath. The grain cart can contain almost 1,200 bushels when full. (With Sound)